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Endocannabinoid System:

A biological system which has cannabinoid receptors throughout your body and acts as a homeostatic regulator to the other systems of the body. Has a direct effect on facilitating neuro-genesis (maintenance, propagation and re-connection of nerve communication networks), and regulating neurological/immune functions/systems.


Chemical compounds involved in the activation of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and mediation of communication between cells. The cannabinoid family is a large group of compounds and includes; CBD, CBDa, CBDv, THC, THCa, THCv, CBC, CBN, and CBG. Cannabinoids are retrograde neurotransmitters that are lipid based.


A cannabinoid produced from a botanical source (plants), like cannabis.


A cannabinoid produced inside the body of humans and animals.

Cannabidiol (CBD):

A non-psychoactive (won't get you high) cannabinoid compound found in cannabis, very abundantly in hemp. Current research has identified many significant therapeutic benefits associated with this class of compounds.

Tetrahydrocannibinol (THC):

A psychoactive (will get you high) cannabinoid compound found in cannabis, the primary compound in marijuana. Current research has identified many significant therapeutic benefits associated with this class of compounds.


Refers to the self regulating ability of the human body to maintain balance, stability, growth and well being in a constantly changing environment.


When the combined effects are greater than the sum of the individual parts. Multiple cannabinoids have synergy, because they work better together as a team. Therefore buying CBD isolate is not as good as getting whole plant extracts high in CBD as the isolate will only contain CBD and non of the other beneficial compounds.

Fatty Acids:

Are an important fuel source derived from consumption of fats in our diet. Our bodies also generate fatty acids during digestion which are absorbed into the blood stream. There are three main types of fatty acids; short, medium and long chain fatty acids. Not all fatty acids are absorbed/transport endo and phyto compounds into tissues equally.

Medium -Chain Triglycerides (MCT):

A class of fatty acids containing 6-12 carbon atoms (ie., C6 coproic acid, C8 caprylic acid, C10 capric acid, C12 lauric acid). Found abundantly in organic raw virgin cold pressed coconut oil. Not all fatty acids are created equal - the type and structure will determine how compunds are transported/absorbed into cells.

Long-Chain Triglycerides (LCT):

A class of fatty acids containing 14 or more carbons atoms. Includes the essential fatty acids Omegas 3 and 6.

Delivery System:

The mechanism of transporting compounds into your body, tissues, and individual cells. Not all delivery systems are as efficient and/or effective. The rate of metabolism, absorption, and excretion can be dependent on the delivery systems mechanism and efficiency. The way compounds are delivered into your body can play a critical role in how effective and beneficial that compound will be.


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Endocannabinoid System

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